Meet the Active Attitude team

We pride ourselves in having coaches who care about your child more than the sport they are teaching. Our coaches teach sport because they want to make a difference in the lives of young people. For us, sport is a way we can help your child grow and bring out their best. All of our coaches have their First Aid certificates and are dedicated to continuous education to ensure the tuition we are providing your child is fun, safe and developmentally appropriate.

Want to join us? Learn about our Coach in Training Programme and Employment Opportunities.

Ashleigh McCaw - Director & Coach

Ashleigh McCaw headshot

Ashleigh has always enjoyed sport and being physically active.  Ashleigh has previously worked for sports organisations at a local, regional and national level.  She has been coaching youth sport for 22 years and developed Active Attitude to be a Youth Sports Club in Northland 12 years ago.

She enjoys teaching gymnastics based sports, swimming and athletics, as these sports develop fundamental movement skills which provide the foundations for all sports. 

Ashleigh aspires for youth sports coaching to be seen and valued as a recognised profession in New Zealand.


  • Bachelor of Sport and Leisure (Hons).
  • Fitness Business Diploma
  • Certificate in Personal Training
  • Certificate in Sports Administration
  • Gymnastics NZ Coaching Qualifications (Gymnastics/Gymsports): Basic Skills, Recreation Coach, Play Gym Leader, Junior Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Coach, Junior Tumbling Coach & Junior Aerobics Coach.
  • Swimming NZ Swim Teaching Certificates: School Age, Adult, Early Childhood, and Teaching Swimmers with Disabilities.
  • Trained Level 3 Run Jump Throw (Athletics) Coach
  • Trained Get Set Go (Athletics) Coach
  • Coaching New Zealand (Level 2)

Favourite Sport: Gymnastics

Favourite Quote: “It’s is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” – Theodore Roosevelt


Ashley McGregor - Coach & Administrator



  • Spectrabilities

Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote: 


Lillian Leathem - Coach 

Lillian Leathem



Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote: 


Karen Eastwood - Coach 



  • Spectrabilities

Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote: 


Annabel McIlhinney - Coach 

Annabel McIlhinney
Annabel enjoys keeping physically active and in her spare time you will find her training at the gym. She has previously represented Active Attitude and Northland on multiple occasions in the sport of Aerobic Gymnastics.  Annabel has been a member of Active Attitude for over 8 years and participates in Obstacle Racing.


  • Active Attitude Coach in Training Programme Graduate 

Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote: “The difference between your dreams and reality is called action.” 

Allan McGregor - Ninja Coach


Allan has been training in Martial Arts for over 30 years, and has experience teaching both adults and children. He first started training in Ninjutsu in 1989 in Whangarei, and sat and passed his black belt there in 1991 at the age of 15.
Allan also holds a teaching license for Bujinkan Ninjutsu issued in Japan, where he passed his Godan (5th Dan Black Belt) in 2009. He has hosted numerous seminars within NZ, both as the instructor as well as for guest instructors from within NZ and overseas. He has hosted biannual camps for practitioners from around the country and was one of the organizers of the NZ Taikai, an international event with one of the senior Japanese instructors. It was at this event where he was awarded his Judan (10th Dan Black Belt).


  • 10th Dan Black Belt

Favourite Sport: Bujinkan Ninjutsu

Favourite Quote:  


Meleena Jurgen - Coach 



Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote:    

Thomas Davidson - Relief Coach and Holiday Programme Assistant

Thomas Davidson

Thomas became an Honorary member of Active Attitude in 2022.  He was one of our original club members when Active Attitude started as a club back in 2012 when he was age 7.  Thomas continued being a member of Active Attitude for 10 years - right through until he completed his final year at High School.  Thomas is now based in Christchurch where he studies Engineering at Canterbury University.  Thomas continues to assist us with coaching and holiday programmes when he is back in Northland on University breaks.


  • XTND Youth Leadership and Coaching Programme.

Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote: “Study your opponents and train against them and you will have gold.” - Sun Tzu.


Leah McRae - Relief Coach and Holiday Programme Assistant

Leah Mcrae
Leah is in her first year at Auckland University studying Design.  Leah was a member of Active Attitude for 9 years as an athlete.  She has represented Active Attitude and Northland in Aerobic Gymnastics on multiple occasions.  In 2020 and 2021 Leah qualified to compete in the International category for her age group in Aerobic Gymnastics.  In 2022 Leah took up a new sport with us (Obstacle Racing) and is still involved with participating in this sport.


  • Active Attitude Coach in Training Programme Graduate 

Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote: “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”


Samuel Davidson - Coach in Training



Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote: 


Jesse Hammer - Coach in Training



Favourite Sport: 

Favourite Quote: 

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